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I AM a Dreamer…
My life has been built on the DREAMS I imagined would one day be my reality…
I hope U are a Dreamer too...

I have been through the fire of exhilaration…The light of brilliance…The ecstasy of genius…
I have also been infected by the darkness of doubt…The pain of uncertainty...
A prisoner to my MindTrap thinking believing I had IMPOSTER SYNDROME…
ALL driven by recurring thoughts that I was never enough…

I will tell U it got the best of me…I developed negative addictions to mask my pain…
Hoping to appear to have it together...
That worked for a moment…Until it didn’t…My beliefs and behaviors were so twisted…
There were days I wasn’t sure I was going to make it…

We all have personal stories…This is mine…It’s about overcoming my demons...
And RE-Inventing myself…

And today the days of being in a straight-jacket and going to multiple Re-Habs…
As I look back...Were blessings in disguise…

I’m here to tell U…U do not have to settle for an uninspired life…U can have whatever U desire…
U will have to believe In U…Get out of your own way…Be FEARLESS…Go for your dreams…
Keep climbing your personal discovery mountain in life…No matter what…
U will get there…I know U will...With the right MindState anything is possible...

So how did I get to mine…I found how the Power of Music…
Influenced my MindStates…Behaviors…Beliefs…And Attitudes…
About what was possible in my life…
And It was LIMITLESS…I want to share that story with U...

Welcome To SuccesSsongs...
TUNE IN To A MindXplosion Of Musical Xstasy And...
“Hear Life From A Higher Vibration”

Your MindStates~Behaviors~Beliefs~And Attitudes...
UNLOCK Your Imagination~UNLEASH Your Genius~BE Fearless...
STEP INTO YOUR POWER...Through The Limitless Power Of Music...

Music Is The Soul Of Emotion...A Catalyst Of Love...

A Universal Language...Music Ignites And Soothes... The Pleasure Centers In The Brain...Awakening Deep Personal Feelings Of Hope...Happiness...Joy...

  • On A Bad Day It Will Make U Feel Good

  • On A Good Day It Will Make U Feel Even Better

  • In Moments Of Uncertainty It Is A Driving Force In Life

  • The Rhythm Of The Beat Will Lift U Up And Set U Free

Music Feeds Your Heart…Seduces Your Soul…Arouses Your Senses…Breaks Down  Barriers…Lifts Your Spirits...
Inspires Your Imagination…Re-Programs Limiting Beliefs…Creates Empowering Behaviors...Opens Your Mind To New Possibilities...

Hi...My Name Is Paul Hoffman...

As the creator of SuccesSsongs...I remember exactly where I was 
what song was playing when I had my first kiss…The first song I played
“Air Guitar To”…The song I danced to at my wedding... And of course...
my favorite song to sing in the shower…


I AM a self taught musician/singer songwriter...my music has touched
the lives of millions of people on this planet...through famous jingles I
have written...songs I created for some of the worlds top thought leaders...spiritual leaders and personal development trainers...As well as 

The music I write for my programs and courses and my successful
TUNING IN Brain RE-Trainment Technology...

I have musically branded Jack Canfield, Brendon Burchard, Lisa Nichols,
Mark Victor Hansen, Marci Shimoff, John Assaraf, Cynthia Kersey,
Robert Allen, Alex Mandossian, Mind Movies, Groove Digital, Chris & Janet Attwood and Dr. Paul Scheele/Learning Strategies...just to name a few...

I have to pinch myself on how lucky and blessed I AM...However I still
have bouts of Self-Doubt...Music has been instrumental in my being
able to silence those doubts...(More On This Later)

I'm sure U have experienced how the power of music suspends time,
as the rhythmic pulsing beat, melody and lyrics of your favorite songs
brought U back to defining moments in your life…

I remember that feeling too...No matter where I was or what I was doing,
when I heard MY FAVORITE SONGS they brought me right back to that
feeling again...

So get ready for a rush of adrenaline and excitement...U are about to
Experience the ecstatic happiness of Listening To SuccesSsongs...
As U..."Hear Life From A Higher Vibration"...

Music shifts your MIndStates...Behaviors...Beliefs...And Attitudes...elevating your thinking...opening your heart...And just for an instant letting you transcend reality...forget your problems and concerns...Inspiring U... To connect to that place in U that holds the gift of who U are…

Get 33 SuccesSsongs Now

    While there is no magic pill to make U more successful, there is MindMagic in music’s ability to UNLOCK Your IMAGINATION and inspire U to awaken a determination and conviction to take action…so U live life in your highest potential...

  • IMAGINE Tuning IN to your minds full power and potential

  • IMAGINE a listening to songs that instantly change your MindStates...Effortlessly creating positive thoughts...
    positive choices...And positive actions every day...

Are U ready to your life to the next level...

Are U ready to UNLEASH your SuperPowers...

Are U ready to RE-Boot your SuperHero MindState...

Would U invest in yourself for those kinds of results...

Some of the greatest minds in history have Tuned IN to the power of music to UNLOCK more creativity, problem solving, calm mental chatter, sharper focus, greater productivity,
release stress and experience more joy and happiness in life...

Here Are Some Of Those Thoughts About The Power Of Music

~Paul McCartney~

Music is like a psychiatrist. You can tell your guitar things that you can't tell people. And it will answer you with things people can't tell you.” 


“Music is a moral law. It gives a soul to the Universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, a charm to sadness, gaiety and life to everything. It is the essence of order, and leads to all that is good and just and beautiful.”

~Bob Marley~

“One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain.”

~Daniel Levithan~

If we didn’t have music, I don’t think we could ever be truly happy, and if we didn’t have special moments, we would never find music.“

~Matt Haig~

“Music doesn’t get in. Music is already in. Music simply uncovers what is there, makes you feel emotions that you didn’t necessarily know you had inside you, and runs around waking them all up. A rebirth of sorts.”


“Music produces a kind of pleasure which human nature cannot do without”


"Music can change the world because it can change people."

~Maya Angelou~

"Music was my refuge. I could crawl into the space between the notes and curl my back to loneliness."

~Ludwig van Beethoven~

"Music is the mediator between the spiritual and the sensual life."

SuccesSsongs...Communicates...Activates ...Anchors...INtegrates...
Creative MindStates Of Possibility And MindStates Of Success
Every Song Has A Message To INspire...Uplift... And Empower U...

The Messages Of SuccesSsongs Empower U To Create OUTRAGEOUS Results In Every Area Of Your Life... Including Financial Growth...Productivity...Sharper Focus...Unstoppable Confidence And More...

Let me remind U...That what U listen to...watch...read...and who U surround yourself with...Has a profound effect in the way U think and what U believe...The decisions U make...And the results U will manifest...Every day...I call this your INvironment...

That calls for U to be very mindful on how U are sculpting your INvironment...When it is a mirror image of the ENvironment U desire to Sculpt Your Live in...U have limitless opportunities... 

Making SuccesSsongs part of your daily success toolbox...
Opens your mind to a plethora of wisdom and insights... SuccesSsongs are specifically designed to shut down the
Mental MindTraps chatter that keeps controlling your....
thoughts...beliefs... and behaviors....

Imagine...manifesting the key outcomes in life U are seeking... Through the power of listening to songs...that communicate messages reinforcing principles...to empower U to live in your brilliance...genius...greatness...and fearlessness... 

Imagine...a success tool...that shifts your subconscious mind out of lack...limitation...fear...doubt...and worry...and elevates your MindStates so U believe... U will succeed every day in every way...

It's Time To Dance And Vibe Your Way To An Epic Ideal Life...

SuccesSsongs...Is An Easy...Effortless...Enjoyable...And Fun Way...To Change Your BrainStates...For Amazing Results In Life... SuccesSsongs...Is The ONE TOOL That Will That Will Take U To A Higher Vibration Every Time U Listen To Them...

Every Time...
U Listen To SuccesSsongs U Will...

  • FIRE UP your connection to the genius within U

  • RELEASE negative thinking reinforcing confidence

  • IGNITE fearless MindStates Of Success 

  • UNLEASH the courage to go for your dreams

  • ACTIVATE the creativity of your limitless imagination

SuccesSsongs...Takes U From The MindTrap MIndStates Of...
"I Can't Do It"..."Someday I Will"...""I Don't Know How"...
To The Inspired MindStates Of..."I AM Ready"..."I Will Do It"... INSTANTLY
Transformational Havoc Is About To Take Over Mind...


33 SuccesSsongs... 

Is Yours For The Ridiculously LOW Price Of 


Plus As A Bonus U Will Receive 4 NEW SuccesSsongs... For a Total of 37 MindXplosion Songs...

WE Have A No Questions Asked 365 Day MONEY BACK GUARANTEE...
That Should Be A NO BRAINER FOR U...Try Them Out For A Year...
If Your Not Completely Thrilled Just Let Us Know...
Send Us An Email To: [email protected]

Get 33 SuccesSsongs Now

When U Listen To These Powerful Songs Every Day...They Become A Daily Success Mantra...
And U Begin To Chart A Course For Success...
SuccesSsongs Dynamically...
RE-Trains And RE-Boots The Success Centers In Your Brain...
So U RELEASE The MindTraps That Continue To Sabotage U...

It's Time To...Feel Inspired And Empowered...So Nothing Will Get In The Way
Of Your Dreams And Desires...To Live The Epic Ideal Life...U Deserve...

The More U Listen To SuccesSsongs The Better U Will Feel About Yourself...
And The Faster U Will Achieve The Outcomes U Seek In Life...
U Will Be Getting Stronger Everyday...No Matter What...

      Just Think How U Will Feel When U Listen To Songs With Messages Like...

    • "I’m Getting Stronger Everyday No Matter What” "

    • “I’m Unstoppable”

    • “I’ve Got A Millionaire Mind”

    • “It’s My Time”

    • “Be Your Best”

    • “I Am A Warrior”

    • “I Make A Difference”

    • “In It 2 Win It”

    • “Today’s The Day”

    • “Breakthrough To Success”

    • “I Love My Life”


33 SuccesSsongs...

Is Yours For The Ridiculously LOW Price Of...


Plus As A Bonus U Will Receive 4 NEW SuccesSsongs
For A Total Of 37 MindXplosion Songs...

WE Have A No Questions Asked 365 Day MONEY BACK GUARANTEE...
That Should Be A NO BRAINER FOR U...Try Them Out For A Year...
If Your Not Completely Thrilled...Just Let Us Know...
Send Us An Email To: [email protected]

Get 33 SuccesSsongs Now

Listening to SuccesSsongs...connects U to the vibrant spirit of who U are...It is the energy...The frequency...The vibration...
That frees your mind...to seek access to higher dimensions of consciousness already within U...

Tune IN and make SuccesSsongs...A daily Success Ritual...
For a profound...positive...lasting impact on the quality of your life...U will achieve levels of success U never thought possible....

This is me in my studio...I will be creating more SuccesSsongs 
for U...To empower U...To "Hear Life From A Higher Vibration"...

Here Is What People Say About SuccesSsongs...

As U can see from some very powerful users...Paul Hoffman’s SuccesSsongs is a total brain success tool that enhances the creation of MindStates Of Success...Who wouldn’t want that...

Get 33 SuccesSsongs Now

“ Paul Hoffman is a master at empowering people to step in to who they truly are and release the MindTraps sabotaging there success in life. SuccesSsongs is a tool everyone should have in their success toolbox. We use them in Mind Movies and people love them. Listen to these songs every day your life will elevate!

~ Natalie Ledwell Co-Founder of Mind Movies ~

“Paul’s SuccesSsongs are way more than just great music. By listening to them daily, I was able to focus my mind On success, creating amazing self-confidence. Joy and RESULTS! No matter what your goals are, listening to this music will help you reach them faster than you can imagine. I’m a more focused, action oriented and successful person. Thanks Paul!!”

~ Juan Martitequi, Entrepreneur ~

“I love it! I love it! I love it! You are a master. The song has evolved into exactly what I wanted. The lyrics are perfect. The chorus is uplifting and the choral arrangement is perfect. The driving energy is exactly what I wanted. Thank you so much.”

~ Jack Canfield on The Song Breakthrough To Success ~

“Paul Hoffman’s SuccesSsongs will inspire, empower and motivate you to change your thinking. Listen to this music everyday and transform the way you think about yourself and your life”

~ T Harv Eker ~

NY Times #1 Bestselling Author of Secrets Of The Millionaire Mind

“If you really want to be unstoppable. Listen to Paul Hoffman’s SuccesSsongs every day. You’ll not only love the music, you’ll be inspired, invigorated and supported to joyfully create the life of your dreams.”

~ Cynthia Kersey Founder Of The Unstoppable Foundation ~

“On the very last day of school we recorded the children in my classroom singing "It’s My Time". They loved this song and thought it was very catchy. We talked about the song's meaning and what it meant to them. They felt inspired when singing it and they seemed to be singing it all day long. Some day's the children would beg me to play it during their work time ....and of course I did. They quickly fell in love with some of your other songs, but never quite had the chance to learn the words. Thank you so much for creating this music. As a teacher, I now have music that inspires children, is cool and I feel comfortable playing in the classroom.”

~ Christina Frank, Elementary School Teacher ~

Paul, I listened to your "Step Into Your Power" CD while I was running by the beach yesterday - all I can say is "WOW!!!" I ran harder, longer, and faster than I can remember, and I seriously couldn't get tired. Not only that, but my mental clarity was just stellar. My day was SET! About to do it again. Thanks for creating such an awesome CD.

~ Thomas Tadlock, Manhattan Beach, California ~

Hi Paul, I did want to let you know I am listening to your success songs every day & so far, I can say that I love the songs, music & feel that they are serving to re-enforce my confidence, & keeping me aware of not giving power to self-doubt etc...old conditioned thinking. You are a great gift everyone should listen to your songs.

~ Nancy Jameson, Taos, New Mexico ~


There Is Tremendous Change...
Going On In Our World Today...

How Will Navigate The Challenges...

Now is your time to bring your best forward in everything U do.... U have to have a plan...so U can make the decisions and take the actions necessary...to quickly capture the opportunities arising from the sweeping changes that are taking place...

It is time for sharper focus...mental clarity...commitment... conviction...and determination...to seize the possibilities...
On your horizon...

This is your time to let the world know U are ready for it all...

  • It’s Time To Ask Yourself How Big Is My Vision...

  • How Can I Break Free From My MindTraps...

  • What Am I Willing To Do To Get There...

SuccesSsongs will make a difference in how U think... Feel...And achieve your Chief Aims in life...

Listen to these songs daily...And Unleash the motivation...
The momentum...And the inspiration to manifest...
Positive MindStates Of Success...For your LIMITLESS adventures in life...

Be one of the many who are experiencing successes because they use the power of SuccesSsongs...The generate uplifting thoughts and feelings and a positive attitude no matter what...

Now’s the time to break free and create the life U desire with SuccesSsongs....A foolproof success tool that changes your life...

People around the world say SuccesSongs makes a huge positive difference in the results they achieve and in how they think about life...

Don’t sit on the sidelines, get in the game and begin loving let

Get off the sidelines...get in the game...Play big...
With SuccesSsongs...
Create the Habits...Behaviors...
MindStates...And Attitudes...That DRIVE U to reach higher
and higher so U elevate your life...


~Imagine Tuning IN and Turning UP your imagination...

~Turning on your genius and brilliance...

~Be motivated to tackle your most demanding challenges...

~Gain new perspectives and maintain a positive outlook...

~Have clarity about what U want in your life...

~Design and create a bold and brazen LIFE VISION...

When U listen to the "Wisdom Of Possiblity" in every
SuccesSsongs Lyric... The messages and the music will
become your go to way of thinking as U go for your dreams...

You’ll find yourself wanting to start each day with your favorite song and listen to them throughout your day so U BOLDLY...
Take actions to create your Epic Ideal Life...

Remember what you put into your mind creates the results U achieve and…Paul wants you to succeed no matter what...

So, let the potent musical personal discovery experience of SuccesSsongs catapult your life to a whole new level...

It's Time To..."Hear Life From A Higher Vibration..."

It’s Time To Tap Into The Abundant Energy Within U To Achieve Success...
In A Fun, Entertaining And Enlightening Way...

Get This Amazing Collection Of

33 SuccesSsongs...

It's Yours For The Ridiculously LOW Price Of 


Plus As A Bonus U Will Receive 4 NEW SuccesSsongs
For A Total Of 37 MindXplosion Songs...

WE Have A No Questions Asked 365 Day MONEY BACK GUARANTEE...
That Should Be A NO BRAINER FOR U...
Try Them Out For A Year...If Your Not Completely Thrilled...
Just Let Us Know...Send Us An Email To: [email protected]

Get 33 SuccesSsongs Now

Don’t Let Yourself Spend One More Day Wishing That Your Life Was Better

At This Point...U Have 3 Options…

Leave This Page And Do Nothing

But U know what they say…“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.” So chances are...If U don’t take action today...life will stay pretty much the same and the levels of success... prosperity...abundance...love...happiness... and good health U desire will continue to elude U...

If this is what Uchoose for yourself...I wish U nothing but the absolute best...

Spend Thousands Of Dollars On Expensive Courses & Therapy

Ucould spend years of your life… and thousands of dollars of your hard-earned money… on personal growth courses or expensive therapy, trying to re-program your subconscious mind and transform your life… only to experience fleeting results that don’t stick and don’t last...

 If this is the best course of action for U...I also wish U complete success...

Use SuccesSsongs To Help U Transform Your Reality NOW...

If you’re ready to align your subconscious mind with what U most want...
dream about...and desire…and are truly ready to activate your SUPERMIND and allow it to powerfully draw to U the people...golden opportunities...
And the abundant...prosperous MindStates Of Success that U desire…

Then SuccesSsongs... truly is the ultimate edge necessary...To make the life U envision for yourself a reality starting RIGHT NOW...

The Life You Desire & Deserve...

It’s Time To DECIDE TO Claim It...

Get This Amazing Package Of

33 SuccesSsongs...

It's Yours For The Ridiculously LOW Price Of 


Plus As A Bonus U Will Receive 4 NEW SuccesSsongs
For A Total Of 37 MindXplosion Songs...

WE Have A No Questions Asked 365 Day MONEY BACK GUARANTEE...
That Should Be A NO BRAINER FOR U...Try Them Out For A Year...If Your Not Completely Thrilled...
Just Let Us Know...Send Us An Email To: [email protected]

Get 33 SuccesSsongs Now

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